MoogMedia Image Gallery

Tom Moog's images

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DSCF0757.JPGBlown head gasket69 viewsYou can see here that the gasket material is distorted on the water jackets between the #1 and #2 cylinders. The disturbance allowed coolant into the #1 cylinder.May 06, 2011
DSCF0756.JPGPlugged head gasket70 viewsThis gasket does not show any evidence of being blown. You can see, however that all of the coolant passages are blocked almost completely, causing inadequate cooling of the heads.May 06, 2011
DSCF0755.JPGDegreased and Painted (Left)58 viewsHere is the left side of the engine block after extensive effort with degreaser and a scrub brush.May 06, 2011
DSCF0754.JPGDegreased and Painted (right)60 viewsThis is the right side of the engine block after extensive cleaning efforts with a scrub brush and degreaser.May 06, 2011
DSCF0674.JPGStarting disassembly78 viewsHere is a look at the engine just as disassembly began.May 06, 2011
DSCF0753.JPGCompleted upper engine components74 viewsHere is the upper intake and valve covers after cleaning and painting.Apr 30, 2011
covers.jpgValve Covers79 viewsToday I stripped and refinished my valve covers... Not too bad for a rush job.Apr 28, 2011
DSCF0717.jpgAnother shot of the cruddy engine70 viewsand LOTS of block sealer gumming up the works!Apr 21, 2011
DSCF0716.jpgI will have to SCRUB this thing before putting it back together!1737 viewsApr 21, 2011
DSCF0715.jpgThe No. 1 Cylinder59 viewsNo telling how long it has been since this one was not firing. The spark plug electrode was mashed flat.Apr 21, 2011
DSCF0714.jpgmore block seal crud in the water jackets.1728 viewsApr 21, 2011
DSCF0713.jpgMmm mmm mmm... Tasty!70 viewsApr 21, 2011
702 files on 59 page(s) 28